Wellsalus - Wellbeing that creates value - Services - Wellsalus Card

Wellsalus Card

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The Wellsalus Card is provided to all participants in the program.
The Card makes it possible to access qualified institutions at an improved rate including: gyms, medical studios and commercial outlets specialised in the sale of organic foodstuffs or health and fitness equipment. All the businesses have been selected and certified in advance within the Wellsalus territory. In order to know where the services that are in collaboration with Wellsalus are located, please click here.
Wellsalus Srl
Via Pisana Trav. II n. 74 - 55100, Lucca
Tel/Fax +39 0583 341561
Registered Office: Via del Monasteraccio, 4 - 50143 Firenze
info@wellsalus.it - P. IVA 06245630485
